English entry requirements

Students who speak English as a second language need to demonstrate their English language proficiency.
The following IELTS levels are an approximate guide to required entry levels.


Students who successfully complete an ACG Education English course at the appropriate level, and who meet the stated academic entry requirements, have guaranteed entry into all ACG programmes*.

Students are required to meet the following minimum English entry requirements.

ACG Parnell College, ACG Strathallan, ACG Sunderland, ACG Tauranga

Years 7-9 IELTS 4.5 (minimum of 4.0 in all bands), or equivalent
Year 10 IELTS 5.0 (minimum of 4.5 in all bands), or equivalent
Years 11-13 IELTS 5.5 (minimum of 5.0 in all bands), or equivalent

English language support is available for international students at all schools. Some Year 7–11 international students may be able to commence at a level slightly below the above levels. Contact the school for more information.

Please contact us for more details

How to apply

How to make an application to ACG Schools.


Information on fees and costs.


Applying through an agent

Agents can help students make an application to ACG Schools.